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1 Thessalonians 3:7-8, "7 Therefore, brothers and sisters, in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith. For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord. 


We are to be encouraged thru all trials and tribulations because He lives and because of His Presence and because of His love. We can have the confidence, reassurance, and firm foundation in our lives thru our faith in Jesus. Thus we can really live and move forward.


Life can be overwhelming thru the daily challenges of the world at work, community and family. So how do we get the pick me up to keep our heads up and moving forward rather than being consumed in despair? As Timothy encouraged his brothers and sisters in Christ, we should be an encourager to others as well as be encouraged by others. We are to be the salt and light to the world so that others can have the hope in Christ. Yesterday, I thank the Lord for giving me the opportunity to mentor a young engineer who came to my office in tears due to work challenges. As I was praying for this engineer, the Lord reminded me of His presence to always seek Him in all things and be open and available to serve Him and not be consumed by my selfish desires. The engineer left my office with a renewed heart and I understood the joy not only by serving Him but that in order to really live, I need to pour my cup out to others so that in turn I can gain capacity to refill my cup by others encouraging me. We all need each other to be filled and really live like Christ.


Lord, I praise you for your unconditional love and grace in my life. Thank you for providing me the ability to intercede and reach out to the younger generation. I thank you for my brothers this morning and privilege of doing life together to be encouraged by sharing devos and opening my heart to let your presence be powerful in my life. Amen!

Posted by Roy Noda with