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Fervency of a Praying Mother

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And Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established as a prophet of the LORD. And the LORD appeared again at Shiloh, for the LORD revealed himself to Samuel at Shiloh by the word of the LORD. - I Samuel 3:19-21



Never underestimate the power of a fervently praying mother. Hannah was barren for many years but continued to pray faithfully and earnestly for a son. In fact 1 Samuel 1:10 says, “She was deeply distressed and prayed to the LORD and wept bitterly” yet v. 12 says, “she continued praying before the Lord”. She vowed that she would give her first born son to the LORD and she followed through on that promise by letting him be raised in the temple after he was weaned. She gave the first fruit of her son even though there would be no guarantee she would have anymore children. God blessed her even more by giving her three more sons and two daughters. God raised Samuel as a prophet ministering to Him at a time when the word of the Lord was rare and there was no frequent vision (1 Samuel 3:1). God also used Samuel to bring reformation in the priesthood and restored the ark of the Lord back to Israel. Samuel stayed the course and served faithfully as a prophet and a judge till his death.



God has been speaking to me these last two days about raising godly children especially where my nearsighted focus has been on the church this Easter season. Yesterday it was through the negative example of the passivity of Eli raising his sons and today positively through Hannah’s prayer life. Point of application. First, be intentional in partnering up with Renee and fervently pray over our kids. There is something special about the love of a mother and the fervency of her prayer life that reaches the heart of God. Second, make sure I pursue and prioritize relationship with them. Have boys night out or “man-dates” every Wednesday when there’s worship team rehearsal. Third, ensure gospel centrality in raising them. Don’t settle for behavior modification but live out and preach the good news of Jesus. Set an example of trusting in the finished work of Jesus and resting on His love, acceptance and forgiveness despite of performance. Our home is safe place where they can take risks and fail knowing that they are unconditionally loved. Humble myself and apologize when I am wrong.



Heavenly Father,

I love you so much! Thank you for your mercies that you would use your word and your Spirit to guide and direct my path. Thank you for my mom who fervently prayed for me especially in my prodigal years. You heard her prayers and you spared my feet from stumbling into irreparable damage in my life. Would you help me be intentional in partnering up with Renee to pray over our boys Judah, Noah and Ezra? They are your inheritance and arrows that need to be directed to the kingdom of God. They are yours o Lord. I pray that they would be boys after your own heart and would grow to be men who passionately pursue you with all their hearts. In Jesus Name. Amen. Maranatha!

Posted by John Danganan with