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Sharing the Weight of Leadership

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12 How can I bear by myself the weight and burden of you and your strife? 13 Choose for your tribes wise, understanding, and experienced men, and I will appoint them as your heads - Deuteronomy 1:12-13


The first three chapters of Deuteronomy is a look back of Israel’s journey before they conquer the Promised Land. After the command to leave Horeb Moses complains that he cannot bear the burden of leading Israel specifically judging the affairs of the people. God’s solution? Choose other leaders who can bear the weight of leadership with him. The qualifications are threefold: first, they are to be wise (Leaders must have the ability to show good judgment). Second, men who are understanding (leaders who assess situation and are aware of the issue at stake). Third, they are to be experienced (leaders who have gained a particular skill gained over a period of time).


Doing Church as a Team is not a novel idea. It’s been God’s design for ministry for thousands of years. But the weight of carrying the burden of leadership is too much for one leader to handle. It’s been said that a strong draft horse can pull the weight of 8,000 lbs but the joined effort of two draft horses can pull three times as much at 24,000 lbs of weight. As a young pastor of 36 years old I must continue to surround myself with wise, understanding and experienced men who can carry the burden of leading a church with me. Don’t micromanage every single detail of the church but delegate and trust the servants God has called to serve the church. As I sit here Saturday morning 6:30am in the community (Aina Haina Starbucks), I consider myself so blessed to be surrounded by wise, understanding and experienced men to help lead New Hope Community Church to God’s best.


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for loving Aina Haina so much that you have given the best leaders to serve your people here in the community. Thank you for blessing me with gifts of wise, understanding, and experienced men who love you and have the heart of a servant. Thank you not only for the leaders but also their whole families. Bless the Terroneses, Perezes, Chaes, Nodas, Kaneshiros, Changs, and every family that has thrown their hearts over the line to serve you and the community here at New Hope Community Church. Thank you for my wife Renee and kids (Judah, Noah and Ezra) and the grace you have given them to run this race with such a pure heart. May your presence continue to go before us so that you receive all the honor, glory and praise. I love you so much! Maranatha.

Posted by John Danganan with