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Acts: To the Ends of the Earth

Feb 11, 2024 | John Danganan

Empowered Waiting | Acts 1:12-26

In a world that often urges us to rush and demand instant results, "Empowered Waiting" invites you to discover the beauty and strength found in patient anticipation. Learn how prayer becomes a dynamic force, aligning your heart with divine timing, and discover the profound impact of active obedience as you navigate the waiting period.

Series Information

Have you ever wondered about the true nature of the Church? Is it merely a gathering of individuals within the walls of a building, or does it possess a dynamic and unstoppable force that can reach "To the Ends of the Earth"? Join us in this captivating sermon series as we delve into the Book of Acts, uncovering the secrets of the early Church and exploring how its extraordinary impact continues to shape our lives today.

Embark on a journey through the pages of Acts, witnessing the birth of the Church and the unfolding of God's plan for His people. Encounter the gripping stories of courageous apostles, miraculous interventions, and the unstoppable power of the Holy Spirit that propelled the Gospel from Jerusalem to the farthest corners of the known world.