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Worthy of Jesus

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37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. Matthew 10:37-39



Let’s face it. Nobody is worthy of Jesus. Absolutely no one deserves to behold the King of glory and enter in the joy of his presence. Yet through his undeserved grace we get to have relationship Jesus. Jesus clarifies what it takes to be his disciple—it has to do with our heart and what we love. It’s good to love our parents, kids and family but we just can’t love them more than Jesus. It has to do with our affection and what we treasure most. If we love family, comfort and security more than Jesus we are not worthy of him. It’s not our past or even our sin that makes us unworthy to have Jesus, it’s what we love more than Jesus that will prevent us embracing abundant life. It is the love of comfort and life that will make us unworthy of Jesus.



Jesus wants my heart. He draws the hard line of allegiance because he knows full well of my idolatrous heart. He knows only he can bring me fullness of joy. He knows that only drinking from the living water can make my soul never thirst again. Point of application:

- Don’t make an idol out of my family. I love my wife and kids dearly but I love Jesus most. By loving Jesus most I actually become a better husband and father.

- Don’t make an idol out of comfort and entitlement: Seek to find my rest and joy in Christ.



Dear God,

You have my heart. It is all yours. I love you more than life itself. Please forgive me for sometimes loving family and entitled comfort more than you. I need your grace to help me to be quick to repent so that my love for you remains fervent. Please continue to strengthen me to rest in the grace of your cross. I love you. Our Lord, come.



Posted by John Danganan with

In the Lord I Take Refuge

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Psalm 11:1,4,5,7

1 In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me: “Flee like a bird to your mountain." 4 The LORD is in his holy temple; the LORD is on his heavenly throne. He observes everyone on earth; his eyes examine them. 5 The LORD examines the righteous…7 For the LORD is righteous, he loves justice, the upright will see his face.



What do you do when fight is no longer an option and flight is the only choice left? What happens when the wicked are ready to attack? Where do you go? To whom do you turn? David a man after God’s heart resolves to take refuge in God. God is his hiding place even when he is advised to run like the wind for the mountains to escape. Why? Because the Lord examines everyone on earth. Not only do his eyes see everything but he examines the heart of the righteous. He examines the righteous because he himself is righteous. He is looking for men and women after his own heart who take refuge in him so that he can give them strong support. 2 Chronicles 16:9, “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give strong support to those whose heart is blameless toward him."



Where do I take my refuge when I am overwhelmed or feel surrounded by accusation? In the LORD I take my refuge. Instead of running to isolation I am going to turn to him because he is righteous and he examines my heart. When my heart is blameless towards him and I am pure in motives and clean in conscience, he gives me strong support. Point of application:

- Examine my motives because God surely will! Make sure that everything is done in love for God and for people.

- As a pastor watch out for favoritism: Don’t favor the cool, powerful or the rich but lead out of a pure heart, good conscience, and sincere faith (1 Tim. 1:5).

- Turn to the LORD for my refuge! When I feel overwhelmed or surrounded, I naturally gravitate towards the refuge of isolation or shutting down to everyone but I need to take refuge in the Lord in solitude.



Heavenly Father,Thank you for being my refuge. Please forgive me for taking solace in other things and other people. In you I take my refuge. Continue to examine my heart. Reveal blindspots so that I can love with a sincere faith & pure heart. I stand firm in the gospel. Help me to always turn to the cross and remember that you died for my sins. I remember your resurrection and know that you have accomplished a new life of victory over sin. I want to love you and serve you with all my might. Be the Good Shepherd over my wife, family and ministry. I love you. Our Lord, come!

Posted by John Danganan with

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