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in Faith

In Plain Sight

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Mark 16: 6“Dont be alarmed, he said. You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’”


When things are so incredible that even when you have been told that that is what is going to happen, you have a hard time believing it.  This, I believe, was the case for the women who followed Jesus, and then the Apostles themselves.

God’s miracles are inherently to be incredible because it is something that we cannot accomplish on our own.  So, the more we are attuned in our hearts and minds to God’s miracles, we are more apt to recognize and receive them for what they are.  Jesus told His disciples that the Kingdom of God must be accepted just as a child would – without preconceived notions and prejudices because they will deceive them, even when it’s told plainly.


 Listen for the plain voice of God in my life that tells me to be ready for miracles when I am in obedience of Him.


Father God, thank you for all your miracles, the ones we perceive and the ones we don't.  Cleanse my heart so as to be attuned to your voice. Bless and protect Michael as he serves our Country.  Sustain Joshua during his senior year.  Pour in to Daniel, the joy of knowing and following you, Lord Jesus.  Guide and protect Christine as she is teaching today.  Keep Grandpa healthy and at peace.  I lift up all the prayer requests that NHCC received and may they reach your throne.  I love you, Lord Jesus.  In your name, I pray. Amen.

Posted by Chels Chae with

Urgent versus Important

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Mark 8:16-17, 20

16 They discussed this with one another and said, It is because we have no bread.

17 Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked them: Why are you talking about having no bread? Do you still not see or understand? Are your hearts hardened?

20 “And when I broke the seven loaves for the four thousand, how many basketfuls of pieces did you pick up?   They answered, Seven.


One’s mind is shaped and led by what he considers important and critical.  More often than not, everything begins to be looked upon through the lens of priority.  Jesus’ disciples mistook His comments regarding the Pharisees and Herod - warnings against the influence or pressure exerted by them - to mean that the disciples failed in logistics – poor load plans for not packing enough bread.  They had one loaf.  In their defense, Jesus’ disciples did have to contend with rudimentary tasks of food and water because someone had to acquire them.  In their days, being able to feed yourself and others was laborious.  But there is a difference between ensuring provisioning for basic necessities of daily care and feeding and being overly focused on daily tasks to the point where it consumes you.

The point that Jesus was making was especially critical because the conversation is taking place subsequent to the feeding of the four thousand by Jesus with seven loaves of bread.  Did the disciples not think that somehow Jesus wouldn’t be able to feed the thirteen of them with one loaf? 

Jesus asks us to focus on the important – God’s truth in life - and not on the urgent – what do we have to eat?  Our approach to life shows, then, that we trust in God for our provisions as well as life’s priorities.



Be equipped with a lens of God’s priorities so that we can focus on the important, eternal issues of salvation, loving God and our family and neighbors.



Father God, I praise your name.  Your name is great.  Help me to see the important things in life, not the urgent.  Cleanse my heart so that I am able to hear and discern your voice and will.  Bless and protect Michael would you guide his path in the Army.  Bless and protect Joshua as he strives to do well in school.  Watch over him during the Spring break.  Guide and pour joy in to Daniel.  Give peace and assurance to Christine.  

Posted by Chels Chae with