
Persistence in Prayer

We all know we should pray more persistently. But why is there a lack of fervency in our prayer life? Let's learn from the blind beggar in Luke 18 and glean how we can be persistent in prayer.

A 2020 Vision For Life

Often a new year marks a new season in our lives. Do you know how to discern the significance of the times? The men of Issachar understood the times and seasons to influence and lead Israel to establish the greatest dynasty of all time. Let's listen in and see how to have a 2020 Vision for your life.

Fasting With Purpose

Dieting may change the way you look but fasting changes the way you see. Join us for the first Sunday of the new decade as we launch our 21 Series on Prayer and Fasting!

As we bring the last Sunday of the decade to a close we want to enter the new year with hearts of gratitude. Gratitude is God's grand will for our lives and is a reflection of the health of our souls.

Advent Journey of Joy

Where is Joy found? It is not found in fame, fortune, or success but in the person and work of Jesus. Jesus gives us joy for the journey in our life. Sometimes the answers to life's greatest problems comes in unexpected places. God's answer to the world's darkness in Isaiah 7-9 is a baby.

Making Room For Peace

The advent of Jesus as peace is not simply the absence of conflict or war. It is shalom of God i.e. the reign of God's kingdom to bring holistic well-being in health, security, salvation, and friendship. To experience the peace of God means to receive the God of peace.

Advent of LOVE

Everything is magnified during Christmas time. Seasons of joy or sadness are intensified during the holidays. As we live in the biblical tension of the "now and not yet", we anticipate the full consummation of God's love when he returns.

Making Room Series Kick Off

As parents we have hopes and dreams for our children. Joseph and Mary are no exception. They made room for hope in the coming of their son. 3 John 1:4 says that there is no greater joy than to see that one's children are walking in the truth. As we kick off our Advent series, let us fix our eyes on Jesus our hope.

Patience in Suffering

The Lord's Comfort

Are you feeling depleted and low on strength? God is leveling the field to get to you. Isaiah 40 says that God will renew your strength for those who wait on him.
