
Laying up Treasure in The Last Days

"Laying Up Treasure in the Last Days" - Our consumerism culture is one that parades overconsumption and excess in our possessions. In fact, as of December 2014 there are more self-storage facilities in the United States than McDonald's restaurants and Starbucks stores combined. Have we asked ourselves, "How much is enough?" Are there consequences to selfishly hoarding possessions and self indulgent lifestyles? Let's find out from James 5:1-6.

Arrogance / Humility

Faith... works

But GODS grace is more

Faith... Works

Wisdom From Above

What is the litmus test of godly wisdom? Is it found in the knowledge of biblical orthodoxy or theological facts? James 3:13-18 answers what the fruit of genuine wisdom produces.

Taming The Tongue

Faith... Works. This is the message of James. We, in our own strength, cannot stand in the face of adversity. We could never find the strength to trust without faith because we don't have the capability to see above the trials we meet, to keep our eyes focused on the King while counting the situation we are currently experiencing as joy.

Faith Without Works is Dead

Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment

Hearer // Doer

Resurrection & Community

You can tell a lot about people and their priorities in how they spend their time. The resurrected Jesus had fifty days on earth to do whatever he wanted to advance his mission. Instead of implementing programs, Jesus chose people. He prioritized relationships instead of numerical results. Discover the connection between Jesus's priority of community in his resurrection.

Pure Joy

Trials come in various forms... Whether they are health problems, relational strain, or financial crisis we will inevitably encounter them. Joy is not the usual response to suffering but we're going to find out why we should have pure joy when we face trials.
